As you get older, you may be wondering about the connection between hormones, skin and overall wellness. And while there’s more talk about the topic these days, it’s still important to understand the intricate relationship between hormones and your skin’s health. So, let’s get to it!
Can Hormone Imbalance Cause Skin Problems?
As we get closer to perimenopause and menopause, the hormone balance starts to change so you may start to notice a difference in the way your skin looks and feels. Hormones are chemical messengers, which tells cells–including skin cells–what to do. So when their balance is upset, you may very well notice a difference in your skin’s complexion.
How Do Hormones Affect the Skin?
There are many hormones in the human body and each play different roles when it comes to your health. In this post, we’re looking at five key players: estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, insulin, and testosterone, that can have an impact on your skin. Each one plays a unique role, but it’s also important to appreciate that they can have combined impact on your skin.
- Estrogen and Skin Aging. Our leading lady, estrogen, orchestrates the stages of puberty, pregnancy preparation, and overall skin vitality. However, estrogen gracefully takes a step back as we get older, leading to dryness and leaving our skin looking older. Stress and insufficient sleep–two factors that often come into play during the menopause transition–also influence estrogen production, which can impact the skin’s aging process.
- Progesterone and Skin Elasticity. Enter progesterone, the hormone which helps to enhance skin elasticity and blood circulation, ensuring that skin stays nourished. Yet, as time marches on, progesterone also starts to decline, leaving your skin looking lackluster. Menopause, stress, and health conditions all have the potential to disrupt the production of progesterone, and which can contribute to changes in skin texture.
- Cortisol: The Stress Hormone. Meet cortisol, often referred to as “stress hormone”, and which wreaks havoc not only on our mental state, but also can stage an aging performance on your skin. Studies reveal that stress-induced collagen loss, can lead to skin sagging, thinning and dullness, all resulting in a less vibrant complexion. Stress management is not only a wellness mantra; it’s also a crucial skincare strategy.
- Insulin and Skin Health. You may not think that insulin has much impact on how your skin looks, but it absolutely has an impact. Released in response to sugar consumption, insulin regulates blood sugar levels. High glycemic foods–you know, those cookies, donuts and sugary treats that many of us crave–might trigger insulin spikes, potentially impacting sleep and contributing to skin wrinkling. A gentle reminder that even our diet influences skin well-being.
- Testosterone and Skin Troubles. Whether in women or men, an abundance of testosterone might lead to unwanted acne. Aging introduces a double-whammy twist–women experience an increase in testosterone, which can bring about an increase in breakouts, while also experiencing a decrease in estrogen, resulting in drier skin.
Does Balancing Hormones Help Skin?
It makes sense that balanced hormones would be just the remedy that picky skin would benefit from. However, this is still a controversial topic in the field of medicine. If you feel that it’s something that you want to explore, check in with your doctor to discuss options and whether it makes sense for you.
How Can I Balance My Hormones for Clear Skin?
While your hormone levels can be up, down and all over the place as you get older, especially during the menopause transition, you can influence their levels to some extent.
Focus on prioritizing good nutrition, stress management, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. These will not only benefit your overall wellness, but your skin’s health as well.
Which Hormone is Responsible for Glowing Skin?
In our pursuit of radiant skin, we can’t overlook an unsung hero–melatonin. Produced in both your brain and skin cells, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and acts as a potent antioxidant, helping to protect our skin against damage caused by free radicals. Studies regarding the use of topical melatonin are mixed as the hormone has been implicated in skin darkening because it activates melanocytes, the skin’s pigment cells.
If you want to supplement with melatonin it’s best to take it internally rather than applied topically. While topical melatonin studies yield mixed results, internal supplementation is recommended for its potential benefits.
What Hormone Causes Bad Skin?
Identifying the culprit behind problematic skin brings us back to excessive testosterone. Whether in women or men, an abundance of testosterone might lead to unwanted acne.
Your body deserves a thoughtful approach. Aging is inevitable and with it, comes many changes–those you can see and some that you can’t. When it comes to your skin, there are many safe and effective products that you can use to help combat the impact of changing hormone levels. Consider our
Radiant Skin Set or our
Ageless Skin Set, which are a great way to get you started on a skincare routine that can make a difference.
And if you’re still not sure what to do, consult with your doctor or pharmacist. Aging doesn’t have to mean the loss of healthy and beautiful skin. Ask for help if you need it.