These fall skin care tips are a great way to change up your skin care routine to ensure that you’re using the right products for the season. Much like we change our wardrobe when the weather changes, it’s a good idea to re-examine the products you’re using on your skin too.
Summer is fantastic and my favourite season of all so I always hate to say goodbye. Yet, longer and more extensive exposure to UV rays during the warmer months can do a number on skin leaving it more sun damaged and prone to early signs of skin aging. Fall is a great time to evaluate how your skin is looking and feeling.
If you need to swap out products by eliminating those that aren’t working with those that are more relevant for your skin care needs now, this is a good time to do it.
Here are 4 fall skin care tips to consider when the leaves start to fall and the weather turns cooler:
1. Exfoliate
It may seem counter-intuitive but if your skin is looking dry and flaky, a good (gently, though) scrubbing is what you may need. Exfoliation helps to remove dry skin that looks bad but that also prevents topical treatments from absorbing in. Try our AHA-Mazing Clean Exfoliating Cleansing Gel with its triple combination of alpha hydroxy acids and boasting a fresh peppermint scent. Showers and baths are so much more exciting with our Bamboo Lemongrass Foaming Body Polish – a customer favourite!
2. Up the Moisture
Cooler temperatures and lower humidity may make additional hydration necessary. Although I can generally get away with a moisturizer during the summer months, my skin often craves a bit more when September rolls around. Daily Infusion Moisturizer hydrates and plumps skin year-round and leaves it feeling refreshed. It’s ideal for all skin types, including sensitive.
3. Fix the Damage
If you experienced excessive sun exposure during the summer, your skin may have suffered some sun damage. If you aren’t already using a retinoid, get thee to one pronto! Retinoids, which are derivatives of Vitamin A, help to repair and renew skin and are excellent in helping manage hyperpigmentation and age spots that the sun may have had a part in creating. A is for Anti-Aging is our version, which incorporates gentle yet effective retinaldehyde along with niacinamide, which is a strong anti-inflammatory that helps to calm skin and manage breakouts.
4. Customize
We are all different and so we have different skin care needs. If you live along the coast, your skin will require different treatment than someone living on the Prairies or in the Midwest. My skin loves humid, coastal Vancouver but take me to Arizona and I’m parched just like that desert! Keep that in mind as you tailor a skin care regimen that works for you.
I hope that the 4 fall skin care tips will help as you transition through the seasons. Do you have any more to share?